Cinderella and Mice 'Darling Dreamer' Figurine (2019) - ID: 028399144174

Cinderella and Mice 'Darling Dreamer' Figurine (2019) - ID: 028399144174 Disneyana




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Price: $55.00
SKU: 028399144174

A Disney Traditions figurine of Cinderella and her mice companions from Walt Disney's beloved animated classic "Cinderella." Titled 'Darling Dreamer,' the stone resin figurine was designed by Jim Shore and released by Enesco in 2019 as part of the Disney Showcase Collection. Measuring 6"x4.75" and 8" tall, the figurine is in fine condition and comes with the original 7.5"x6.5"x9.75" box.

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